Hari ini, 16 Januari 2025, Balai Bomba Dan Penyelamat Johor Jaya telah menerima lawatan kerja dari Pengarah Bahagian Operasi Kebombaan & Penyelamatan, Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia, YS TPjB Nordin Bin Pauzi. Turut hadir sama dalam lawatan ini ialah Penolong Pengarah BOKP Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia Negeri Johor, Ketua Zon 1 Johor dan Ketua-Ketua Balai di bawah Zon 1 Johor.
Dalam lawatan kerja ini, kami di dedahkan nilai-nilai pengoperasian serta amanat di dalam Sistem Tugasan Balai ( STB ) yang disampaikan terus oleh YS Pengarah BOKP Ibu Pejabat Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia.
Work visit of the Director of the Headquarters Malaysia Fire & Rescue Operations Division, Malaysia Fire & Rescue Department (JBPM ), YS TPjB Nordin Bin Pauzi.
Today, 16 January 2025, Johor Jaya Fire Station received a work visit from the Director of the Headquaters Malaysia Fire & Rescue Operations Division, Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department, YS TPjB Nordin Bin Pauzi. Also present in this visit are the Assistant Director Fire & Rescue Division Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department State of Johor, the Head of Johor Zone 1 and the Heads of Stations under Johor Zone 1.
In this work visit, we were exposed to the operating values and mandate in the Station Working System ( STB ) which was delivered directly by YS Director BOKP Headquarters of the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department.